Friday, August 17, 2007

Introducing Amanda Haynes

Hi Everyone! I am Amanda Haynes (but Mandi to you lot!). I'm really looking forward to getting to meet you and share with you all at SENZ. Scrapbooking is all about images....the images that you capture with your lens, and in your heart, and on paper. When you combine those three things, you have beautifully moving, powerful stories to tell. I've worked in the Scrapbook Industry and Headed up a Design Team, from there I renewed my love of photography and have pursued that as a full-time career, but my love of Scrapbooking has also remained. The one thing I do notice in the industry, is that pages that have strong journalling and great images, are those that are published more often than others. Browse through a magazine and you'll see the pages that catch your eye are often the one's that have images that tell the story in and of themselves, the journalling then speaks the artists heart, telling you thoughts that only they know.
So, I'm all about teaching you how to capture the physical images.....and here is a bit more about me!

I'm a Mom to four great kids and the wife to the most amazing American on the planet (hence the word "mom")!!!! I work from home which allows me the flexibility to build my schedule around my family's.....and I have the best job on the planet. I capture people's souls!

I won my first Photographic Award in Blenheim when I was just 17 years old. The prize was a Canon SLR Camera. My passion for photography was birthed the instant I took my first shots with that camera. Seeing light and then using it to capture a moment in time and preserve both the image and memory of it forever, is what I love most about this art. My photography has led me down many and varied paths; both in the photographic and scrapbooking world. I have had work published both here in New Zealand and Overseas.

Amanda's Photographic Training/ Experience ... A student of the New York Institute of Photography, my website can be viewed at I also co-own and run an International Photographer’s Forum (, which is home to incredibly talented photographer’s and Guest Teachers that come and share on a regular basis. When I go to photograph someone my desire is always to capture the "spirit and heart" of my subjects. To be allowed a sneak peek into their souls.
It is a real joy and privilege to have this opportunity to not only share some technical aspects with you but to also share the secrets I use to relax and open up my subjects.

About the Class ...
The key to great scrapbook pages is great images.....and if you want to be published, then this is now a must.......BUT I am a great advocator of taking images no matter how technically sound they are, because who wants to miss the moment while you fiddle with your camera? However, when you know a lot of the basics and insider tricks....getting great images everytime becomes a lot easier! Film or Digital is fine..... BUT if you want to seriously persue this hobby/art, then I would recommend you look at getting a camera that you can set in manual mode and tell IT what YOU want....some of the set tasks will only be able to be done in manual mode (don't be scared, come on in...the water is fine!)....but the basics of photography, use of light, composition, and post-processing is all the same no matter what camera you have.
Some Photoshop will be covered during the Session....sharpening, BW conversion, Levels and Curves, web-resizing and print quality.
You will receive a manual that mostly focuses on the technical aspects of taking a great shot, so you can will be able to go over the material at your leisure.
Michelle Tibble-Williams ( is co-running this Class with me and her images are pure art!

Bring to Class ...
A pen/pencil Your camera beside you....and it's manual would be handy
A model is on hand for you to practice on....just please don't ask her to smile! I don't ever ask my subjects to smile!
A love for capturing great memories ...beautifully!
The realisation that you will be USING your camera during class, so please make sure you have batteries charged and enough memory card or film available.

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